• The KillerFrogs

Big Earthquake in Cali


Active Member
Not near any of the larger cities but since we have such a large Californian contingent and network these days, just throwing it out for any to check on family and friends if they know or have any in the area.

Struck at or near Ridgecrest I believe. Felt in LA and Vegas.


Full Member
Brother and his family landed in LA yesterday. Bet they are thrilled. Haven’t heard from him so I’m assuming all is ok.

EDIT: they didn’t feel a thing.


Active Member
Weird deal. As mentioned above, my brother and Fam are in LA. LA is two hours from the epicenter, and they haven’t felt a thing.

Thomas & Mack Center is three and half hours from epicenter and it rattled the arena.

Conclusion, earthquakes are weird.
Is it from the fracking?

4 Oaks Frog

Active Member
Checked in with HollywoodFrog. She had a pretty good shaking, but all AOK.
Spit Blood ~~<~<and [Baylor asshoe]!!

Frog DJ

Active Member
Mrs. DJ and I lived in the Bay Area in 77 and 78, and we had an earthquake while I was on the air one morning.

I didn't even know it occurred until our anchor reported it as a news story at the top of the hour.

Admittedly, it wasn't a 7.1, but it's epicenter was only a few blocks away from the radio station.

Never even noticed it...

Go Frogs!


Active Member
Saw this morning on the news there had been over 600 aftershocks. That was by 8:30am. Not sure how that can be accurate, but that’s what was reported.
I’m guessing all seismic activity is measurable even if it is minimal. Since I’m over 100 miles from the epicenter it would have to be a large aftershock for me to feel it out here where I am.

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