• The KillerFrogs

chances for top 2012 football recruits


New Member
Out of top prospects such as Nelson Agholor, Dominique Wheeler, Brian Nance, Laderrell Mcneil, Javonte Magee, and Colin Blake, what are TCU's chances of signing them and/or where do they stand?


Active Member
Nance has no offer yet. Agolor, about one chance in 5, I would guess. Like Ben Weaver at LB, Houston area.

The important question now, who are the OL's we sign. This from the non educated evaluator. :unsure:


Out of top prospects such as Nelson Agholor, Dominique Wheeler, Brian Nance, Laderrell Mcneil, Javonte Magee, and Colin Blake, what are TCU's chances of signing them and/or where do they stand?
Dominique Wheeler and Laderrell Mcneil should commit to TCU. TCU has been frontrunners for both most of the way.
I don't think Magee has much interest in TCU and Colin Blake has a hard on for UT.

As for Agholor and Nance, I am not sure. I know Agholor has interest in TCU but I am unsure about Nance. Nance did just attend camp at OU.


New Member
I still have my hopes up for Trey Keenan and has been reported he will make his decision before they start their two a days. I would sure love to see him playing for us.


Sir FeistyFrog
Magee has said he is a package deal with R Green and a saftey there who I can't remember his name. Doubt that will happen, but CO at least has fallen for it.

Think Wheeler is in, just wanting to do the hat thing which would be great pub if he does pop for the Frogs.


New Member
Chances for remaining recruits:

(7 spots remaining - 17 is not a hard number for the 2012 recruiting class - one or two more slots will open up this summer due to various factors which I wont discuss)

LB (1)
(Tcu will take 1 out of the following Tier 1, 2, 3, 4 - LB recruits)

Tier One LB Recruits
1) Devall
(doesnt look like Tcu will get DEVALL. He is looking hard at Bama right now and is a likely SEC commit. Tcu too far down on his list these days apparently (unless something changes dramatically it doesnt appear that he is comin)

1) Santos
(more of a chance for this one than some folks on this board think. Can go to Bama if he wants and he was really hot on that idea but his family cooled him waaaay waaaaay off on that one. Tcu back in play now but not the leader. This one could be the biggest surprise of the
class, expecially due to the large number of Tcu LBs in the NFL, and the "Carder and Brock" factor (Brock is preseason All-American LB, and Carder MVP of Rose Bowl and All American). Santos is currently listening to every word Tcu Coaches are telling him, which he was not doing before. This one still not "likely", but very surprising to me - getting "liklier" and "liklier" by the day. Dont count on it though (yet).

Tier 2 LB Recruits
2) Otha Peters
(this is the one I think you can count on. He may get switched to Safety and he may not. He is a bit undersized, but a vicious hitter.
He is still growing. If he grows just a bit more he will stay at LB, which is what I see. I think Peters will get the offer sometime early Fall, as soon as Frog Coaches work their way through their process with Santos and Devall)

2) Nance
Nance is a Tier 2 because he has some serious qualifying issues. Just my personal opinion but I dont think he will quailify. I hope I am wrong. OU is currently his leader, but Tcu is a very close 2nd for him. Only trouble is, the Tcu Coaches (and many other college coaches) wont invest a whole lot of time in him presently because they deem it somewhat wasted time. For that reason he is a Tier 2 for Tcu recruiting)

Tier 3 LB Recruits
3) AJ Hilliard
(This is the likely commit if Tcu whiffs on all the above)

3) Weaver
(Not likely this guy gets an offer. For this guy to get an offer for the ONE spot, everything in LB recruiting would have to completely collapse)

Tier 4 LB Recruits
4) No level 4 LBs are currently being considered


OT (2)
(Tcu will take 2 out of the following Tier 1, 2, 3, 4 - Offensive Tackle recruits)

Tier 1 OT Recruits
1) Estelle (UT commit)
1) Dunker (UF commit)
1) Starts (TTech commit)
1) McGhee (uncommitted with Mizzou and OU his leaders - will probably choose Mizzou within next 30 days)

Tier 2 OT Recruits
2) Jordan WIlliams
(this is the guy I think gets the offer next. There are two types of OTs. BIG FAT AND SLOW (which are needed fro the running game - ask Wisconsin about that), or FAST QUICK AND ATHLETIC (which are needed for the passing game). Tcu has lots and lots of "BIG FAT AND SLOW OTs". Tcu neees only the FAST QUICK AND ATHLETIC" ones in this class. (williams and Glauser qualify, Keenan, Green, Myers, and Collins do not - which is exactly why they dont have offers yet so late in the recruiting game). The BIG FAT AND SLOW offensive tackles are really good for the running game and everyone needs some of those, but the BIG FAT AND SLOW offensive tackles will get you beat in the passing game - again, ask Wisc about that as their BIG FAT SLOW Offensive tackles allowed Tcu to sack their QB over and over again in critical situations in the Rose Bowl Game. WIlliams is very athletic and I think he gets the call. Even thouhg somewhat undersized, he is exactly what Tcu is looking for - athletically)

2) Dan Glauser
(another FAST QUICK ATHLETIC guy. Hopefully he gets the 2nd offer. Tcu didnt recruit any FAST QUICK AND ATHLETIC OTs last year so Glauser fits the bill as the 2nd FAST QUICK ATHLETIC OT)

2) Vatai (TTech commit)
(this one isnt over yet even though he is committed)

Tier 3 OT Recruits
3) Collins
3) Keenan
3) Melton

Tier 4 OT recruits
4) Green
4) Mac Long
4) Connor Patterson
4) Armstead (BU commit)
4) Schomp
4( Seaver Myers

Before the recruiting season began, Tcu Coaches were fairly confident they could get ONE Tier one OT and ONE Tier two OT. They whiffed completely on the Tier one OTs and have their backs against the wall now to get both their Tier 2 OTs. If those fall through, Tcu will be hard pressed to get two of the Tier 3 OT's (Keenan is likely to commit elsewhere very shortly, and Collins may be off the board soon also). If Tcu gets one Tier 3 OT and one Tier 4 OT, in my opinion they should just can the whole idea- take ZERO OTs this year - write off the year a total loss at OT recruiting - and start over next year, and take 3 or 4, cuz this yr is looking worse and worse for OT recruiting as summmer approaches. I know the staff is looking at 2 possible DE-COMMITS from other colleges and I know Baylor is one of them, so who knows where this is headed. So far though, it doesnt look good, epsecially if Tcu is all the way down to having to settle for Tier 4 Baylor de-commit.


OG (1)
(Tcu will take 1 out of the following OG Recruits)

Tier 1 OG Recruits
1) None avaialble

Tier 2 OG Recruits
2) Lutui
(Tcu in the lead for this guy. Looks like a done deal but no commit yet for some weird reason)

2) Cam Bailey (BU commit)
(Bailey lately just decided to start looking around again, to the shock of Baylor fans)

Tier 3 OG Recruits
3) None

Tier 4 OG Recruits
3) Adcock
3) Ray


WR (2)

Tier 1 WR recruits
1) Wheeler
(Likely Tcu commit. Tcu in the lead)

1) Aghalor
(very very unlilkely but you cant count him out yet, but very long odds for Tcu to get him. Also a possible SAFETY switch, but he likes WR, so who knows where he ends up playing in college. We will list him at WR for now)

Tier 2 WR Recruits
2) Linwood
(another very very likely Tcu commit and he has an offer. He also lists Tcu as his "favorite" so this one seems a formality but you cant mark it down til he commits, so it aint a done deal yet. A Wheeler and Linwood commit would shut down and close out WR recruiting for this class)

Tier 3 WR Recruits
3) Thomas
(Thomas is being kept "warm" in case Wheeler or Linwood bug out for other options, but right now it appears the two slots will be Wheeler and Linwood)

3) Gladney
(too far down the list to have a legit chance at an offer)

Tier 4 WR Recruits
4) None
(None are being considered at this time. If for some unforeseen reason, only one WR slot is filled, the 2nd WR slot will be held over to next year rather than scratching around for a mediocre to bad Tier 4 WR recruit)



Tier 1 Safety Recruits
1) McNeal
(McNeal has come and gone a few times in the last few months. First he was very hot on Tcu. He then cooled way way off, and considered Notre Dame, and A&M as a package deal with his buddy (3 star CB Damien Lawry). Now he is back to being hot on Tcu again and last I heard, Tcu is now his favorite again, but who knows. It is kinda crazy with McNeal, but it is looking good at this one moment in time. Who knows what it will be 3 months from now. A&M still very very hard after him and his bud, so this is still up in the air)

1) Aghalor
(probably a safety at Tcu, but he wants WR, so who knows. Realisticlally, not much chance of getting Aghalor but he is still in the game and still listing Tcu as one of his favorites)

1) Devin Fuller
(wants to be a QB so Tcu is very unlikely but not totally out of the question (yet), even though Fuller to Tcu has is a very remote possibility at this point)

Tier 2 Safety Recruits
2) Edwards (BU commit)
(has stated he is a soft commit, and has also stated he is looking around again. No idea where he stands with Tcu, but if Coaches want him, I think they can go get him anytime. Even though Rivals says he has a Tcu offer, I think that offer is contingent on what McNeal does)

2) Marcus Allen
(backup plan in case McNeal falls through and Edwards wont de-commit. Allen does have an offer, so it appears if Tcu can get BOTH McNeal and Allen, they will take both and cut one OLineman this yr, because OL recruiting is tanking anyways)

Tier 3 Safety recruits
3) None

Tier 4 Safety Recruits
4) Ken Marshall
(waayyy waaaay waaaay down the list backup plan in case everything completely crumbles in Safety recruiting)


CB (1)

Tier 1 CB Recruits

1) Blanks (Clemson commit)
(Highly unlikely he changes his commit from CU to TCU, but he is visiting Tcu in July and that visit is still on according to Blanks so this one cant be counted out yet, even though the chances are almost NIL)

1) Collin Blake
(very heavy UT and OU lean. A&M is probably 3rd on his list with Tcu probably 4th. Another very unlikely Tcu commit)

Tier 2 CB Recruits
2) Damien Lawry
(Three star, exceptional CB who is part of a package deal with 4 star Safety McNeal. Lawry has been very quiet throughout the recruiting process and has let McNeal do all the talking so it is hard to say where exactly he stands with Tcu. It is believed Tcu is his leader, but nobody is certain of that. McNeal and Lawry as a package commit would be dream scenario and it could happen)

2) Will HInes
(Nebraska and Baylor lean who I think would ditch both Baylor and NU if he got a Tcu offer. He is next on the list if Lawry goes to A&M with McNeal)

Tier 3 CB Recruits
3) Anthony Morgan
3) Leo Thomas
(lots of very bad things have to happen to Tcu in CB recruiting, before either one of these guys gets an offer)

Tier 4 CB Recruits
4) None



New Member
Chances for remaining recruits:

(7 spots remaining - 17 is not a hard number for the 2012 recruiting class - one or two more slots will open up this summer due to various factors which I wont discuss)

LB (1)
(Tcu will take 1 out of the following Tier 1, 2, 3, 4 - LB recruits)

Tier One LB Recruits
1) Devall
(doesnt look like Tcu will get DEVALL. He is looking hard at Bama right now and is a likely SEC commit. Tcu too far down on his list these days apparently (unless something changes dramatically it doesnt appear that he is comin)

1) Santos
(more of a chance for this one than some folks on this board think. Can go to Bama if he wants and he was really hot on that idea but his family cooled him waaaay waaaaay off on that one. Tcu back in play now but not the leader. This one could be the biggest surprise of the
class, expecially due to the large number of Tcu LBs in the NFL, and the "Carder and Brock" factor (Brock is preseason All-American LB, and Carder MVP of Rose Bowl and All American). Santos is currently listening to every word Tcu Coaches are telling him, which he was not doing before. This one still not "likely", but very surprising to me - getting "liklier" and "liklier" by the day. Dont count on it though (yet).

Tier 2 LB Recruits
2) Otha Peters
(this is the one I think you can count on. He may get switched to Safety and he may not. He is a bit undersized, but a vicious hitter.
He is still growing. If he grows just a bit more he will stay at LB, which is what I see. I think Peters will get the offer sometime early Fall, as soon as Frog Coaches work their way through their process with Santos and Devall)

2) Nance
Nance is a Tier 2 because he has some serious qualifying issues. Just my personal opinion but I dont think he will quailify. I hope I am wrong. OU is currently his leader, but Tcu is a very close 2nd for him. Only trouble is, the Tcu Coaches (and many other college coaches) wont invest a whole lot of time in him presently because they deem it somewhat wasted time. For that reason he is a Tier 2 for Tcu recruiting)

Tier 3 LB Recruits
3) AJ Hilliard
(This is the likely commit if Tcu whiffs on all the above)

3) Weaver
(Not likely this guy gets an offer. For this guy to get an offer for the ONE spot, everything in LB recruiting would have to completely collapse)

Tier 4 LB Recruits
4) No level 4 LBs are currently being considered


OT (2)
(Tcu will take 2 out of the following Tier 1, 2, 3, 4 - Offensive Tackle recruits)

Tier 1 OT Recruits
1) Estelle (UT commit)
1) Dunker (UF commit)
1) Starts (TTech commit)
1) McGhee (uncommitted with Mizzou and OU his leaders - will probably choose Mizzou within next 30 days)

Tier 2 OT Recruits
2) Jordan WIlliams
(this is the guy I think gets the offer next. There are two types of OTs. BIG FAT AND SLOW (which are needed fro the running game - ask Wisconsin about that), or FAST QUICK AND ATHLETIC (which are needed for the passing game). Tcu has lots and lots of "BIG FAT AND SLOW OTs". Tcu neees only the FAST QUICK AND ATHLETIC" ones in this class. (williams and Glauser qualify, Keenan, Green, Myers, and Collins do not - which is exactly why they dont have offers yet so late in the recruiting game). The BIG FAT AND SLOW offensive tackles are really good for the running game and everyone needs some of those, but the BIG FAT AND SLOW offensive tackles will get you beat in the passing game - again, ask Wisc about that as their BIG FAT SLOW Offensive tackles allowed Tcu to sack their QB over and over again in critical situations in the Rose Bowl Game. WIlliams is very athletic and I think he gets the call. Even thouhg somewhat undersized, he is exactly what Tcu is looking for - athletically)

2) Dan Glauser
(another FAST QUICK ATHLETIC guy. Hopefully he gets the 2nd offer. Tcu didnt recruit any FAST QUICK AND ATHLETIC OTs last year so Glauser fits the bill as the 2nd FAST QUICK ATHLETIC OT)

2) Vatai (TTech commit)
(this one isnt over yet even though he is committed)

Tier 3 OT Recruits
3) Collins
3) Keenan
3) Melton

Tier 4 OT recruits
4) Seaver Myers
4) Green
4) Mac Long
4) Connor Patterson
4) Armstead (BU commit)
4) Schomp

Before the recruiting season began, Tcu Coaches were fairly confident they could get ONE Tier one OT and ONE Tier two OT. They whiffed completely on the Tier one OTs and have their backs against the wall now to get both their Tier 2 OTs. If those fall through, Tcu will be hard pressed to get two of the Tier 3 OT's (Keenan is likely to commit elsewhere very shortly, and Collins may be off the board soon also). If Tcu gets one Tier 3 OT and one Tier 4 OT, in my opinion they should just can the whole idea- take ZERO OTs this year - write off the year a total loss at OT recruiting - and start over next year, and take 3 or 4, cuz this yr is looking worse and worse for OT recruiting as summmer approaches. I know the staff is looking at 2 possible DE-COMMITS from other colleges and I know Baylor is one of them, so who knows where this is headed. So far though, it doesnt look good, epsecially if Tcu is all the way down to having to settle for Tier 4 Baylor de-commit.


OG (1)
(Tcu will take 1 out of the following OG Recruits)

Tier 1 OG Recruits
1) None avaialble

Tier 2 OG Recruits
2) Lutui
(Tcu in the lead for this guy. Looks like a done deal but no commit yet for some weird reason)

2) Cam Bailey (BU commit)
(Bailey lately just decided to start looking around again, to the shock of Baylor fans)

Tier 3 OG Recruits
3) None

Tier 4 OG Recruits
3) Adcock
3) Ray


WR (2)

Tier 1 WR recruits
1) Wheeler
(Likely Tcu commit. Tcu in the lead)

1) Aghalor
(very very unlilkely but you cant count him out yet, but very long odds for Tcu to get him. Also a possible SAFETY switch, but he likes WR, so who knows where he ends up playing in college. We will list him at WR for now)

Tier 2 WR Recruits
2) Linwood
(another very very likely Tcu commit and he has an offer. He also lists Tcu as his "favorite" so this one seems a formality but you cant mark it down til he commits, so it aint a done deal yet. A Wheeler and Linwood commit would shut down and close out WR recruiting for this class)

Tier 3 WR Recruits
3) Thomas
(Thomas is being kept "warm" in case Wheeler or Linwood bug out for other options, but right now it appears the two slots will be Wheeler and Linwood)

Tier 4 WR Recruits
4) None
(None are being considered at this time. If for some unforeseen reason, only one WR slot is filled, the 2nd WR slot will be held over to next year rather than scratching around for a mediocre to bad Tier 4 WR recruit)



Tier 1 Safety Recruits
1) McNeal
(McNeal has come and gone a few times in the last few months. First he was very hot on Tcu. He then cooled way way off, and considered Notre Dame, and A&M as a package deal with his buddy (3 star CB Damien Lawry). Now he is back to being hot on Tcu again and last I heard, Tcu is now his favorite again, but who knows. It is kinda crazy with McNeal, but it is looking good at this one moment in time. Who knows what it will be 3 months from now. A&M still very very hard after him and his bud, so this is still up in the air)

1) Aghalor
(probably a safety at Tcu, but he wants WR, so who knows. Realisticlally, not much chance of getting Aghalor but he is still in the game and still listing Tcu as one of his favorites)

1) Devin Fuller
(wants to be a QB so Tcu is very unlikely but not totally out of the question (yet), even though Fuller to Tcu has is a very remote possibility at this point)

Tier 2 Safety Recruits
2) Edwards (BU commit)
(has stated he is a soft commit, and has also stated he is looking around again. No idea where he stands with Tcu, but if Coaches want him, I think they can go get him anytime. Even though Rivals says he has a Tcu offer, I think that offer is contingent on what McNeal does)

2) Marcus Allen
(backup plan in case McNeal falls through and Edwards wont de-commit)

Tier 3 Safety recruits
3) None

Tier 4 Safety Recruits
4) Ken Marshall
(waayyy waaaay waaaay down the list backup plan in case everything completely crumbles in Safety recruiting)


CB (1)

Tier 1 CB Recruits

1) Blanks (Clemson commit)
(Highly unlikely he changes his commit from CU to TCU, but he is visiting Tcu in July and that visit is still on according to Blanks so this one cant be counted out yet, even though the chances are almost NIL)

1) Collin Blake
(very heavy UT and OU lean. A&M is probably 3rd on his list with Tcu probably 4th. Another very unlikely Tcu commit)

Tier 2 CB Recruits
2) Damien Lawry
(Three star, exceptional CB who is part of a package deal with 4 star Safety McNeal. Lawry has been very quiet throughout the recruiting process and has let McNeal do all the talking so it is hard to say where exactly he stands with Tcu. It is believed Tcu is his leader, but nobody is certain of that. McNeal and Lawry as a package commit would be dream scenario and it could happen)

2) Will HInes
(Nebraska and Baylor lean who I think would ditch both Baylor and NU if he got a Tcu offer. He is next on the list if Lawry goes to A&M with McNeal)

Tier 3 CB Recruits
3) Anthony Morgan
3) Leo Thomas
(lots of very bad things have to happen to Tcu in CB recruiting, before either one of these guys gets an offer)

Tier 4 CB Recruits
4) None

What about kickers? Lol. Seriously, after Evens is gone...we apparently have no heir to the kicking spot.


I still have my hopes up for Trey Keenan and has been reported he will make his decision before they start their two a days. I would sure love to see him playing for us.
Trey Keenan will be a quality OL in college. I think he is leaning Tech right now, but I would not be surprised if he chooses TCU. Although, I have heard from some that he doesn't have an offer to TCU quite yet and that TCU is going after a few other lineman before Keenan. That is second hand information though and I can't say it is 100% accurate.

Magee has said he is a package deal with R Green and a saftey there who I can't remember his name. Doubt that will happen, but CO at least has fallen for it.

Think Wheeler is in, just wanting to do the hat thing which would be great pub if he does pop for the Frogs.

That safety would be Leo Thomas. Leo has a chance at playing D1 football in a big conference. Ralph Green could end up at a D1 school in a small conference but i highly doubt any D1 school in a power conference would be willing to use a scholarship on him to get Magee. They all want to play together but it isnt likely to happen.
A package deal of Magee and Thomas is likely; however, no Texas schools have offered both of them. LSU has a shot of getting Magee alone. Magee is from Louisianna.

So then we dont want him....lol
haha pretty much. also meaning if he gets an offer from UT he will commit instantly.


Active Member
Teabag, you listed Vaitai as a possible switch, despite this direct quote from his coach, via the Tech Rivals writer:

"That's not the way we operate and that's part of the deal here. Once a kid commits, we're not taking mail and we're not taking phone calls or other things like that from any other schools. Big V, his family, and I spent several days talking about his decision. After he first told me that he wanted to commit we probably spent another three days discussing everything," Hafley said. "We made sure he understood that if USC, for example, were to show up down the road we weren't going to talk to them. I feel like if a kid wants to make a commitment to a school he needs to be 100% sure about it. So I'm quite certain that there won't be any schools with a shot at taking Big V away from Texas Tech."

So, nice try.

Edit: Also, is it that difficult to spell check kids' names? If you're going to spend that much time looking like you have credibility, you might as well at least get basic things right:

Javonte Magee
John Michael McGee
Nelson Agholor
LaDarell McNeil


New Member
I've never ever heard a Head Coach for a HS kid take that much time and energy to explain and say over and over again, how the kid wont de-commit.

Just like a guy who cheats on his wife is always the guy who brings flowers home to his wife and overdoes it to compensate.

As usual you have no idea what is really going on.

Got anything else besides third grader spelling smack?

Are you even a guy.

You need to pick out your pink dress and head over to the dance right now cuz you sure dont know college football and your spelling smack is pretty doggone GIRLIE GIRL feminine !!

Yikes !! Is this girl for real ???
Teabag, you listed Vaitai as a possible switch, despite this direct quote from his coach, via the Tech Rivals writer:

"That's not the way we operate and that's part of the deal here. Once a kid commits, we're not taking mail and we're not taking phone calls or other things like that from any other schools. Big V, his family, and I spent several days talking about his decision. After he first told me that he wanted to commit we probably spent another three days discussing everything," Hafley said. "We made sure he understood that if USC, for example, were to show up down the road we weren't going to talk to them. I feel like if a kid wants to make a commitment to a school he needs to be 100% sure about it. So I'm quite certain that there won't be any schools with a shot at taking Big V away from Texas Tech."

So, nice try.

Edit: Also, is it that difficult to spell check kids' names? If you're going to spend that much time looking like you have credibility, you might as well at least get basic things right:

Javonte Magee
John Michael McGee
Nelson Agholor
LaDarell McNeil


Active Member
I've never ever heard a Head Coach for a HS kid take that much time and energy to explain and say over and over again, how the kid wont de-commit.

Just like a guy who cheats on his wife is always the guy who brings flowers home to his wife and overdoes it to compensate.

As usual you have no idea what is really going on.

Got anything else besides third grader spelling smack?

Are you even a guy.

You need to pick out your pink dress and head over to the dance right now cuz you sure dont know college football and your spelling smack is pretty doggone GIRLIE GIRL feminine !!

Yikes !! Is this girl for real ???

So his high school coach is a liar, and you have the real scoop into the Big V commitment. Got it. Just wanted to be sure.


New Member
I suppose you also believe General Managers of baseball and football teams when they go to gro to great lengths and expend lots of time and energy to give a Head Coach a "VOTE OF CONFIDENCE".

As you know, the fact that a GM has to do that in the first place means the Head Coach is on the verge of being fired. Using your logic, everyone should believe everything the GM says, and ignore the fact that where there is smoke there is fire.

Cam you tell us oh genius one, why VATAI's Coach is the only Coach of any commit this YR - to any college - who found it necessary to try so hard to convince everyone that VATAI's committment is solid ?

You do know that last yr Tcu DT signee JON LEWIS and his HS Coach (original TTech commit) also both stated he was solid to TTech ?

OLD CONFUCIOUS SAYING - Where there is smoke there
is fire

Apparently you believe and swallow everything you hear in recruiting - HOOK LINE and SINKER.

Funny !!
So his high school coach is a liar, and you have the real scoop into the Big V commitment. Got it. Just wanted to be sure.


Active Member
I suppose you also believe General Managers of baseball and football teams when they go to gro to great lengths and expend lots of time and energy to give a Head Coach a "VOTE OF CONFIDENCE".

As you know, the fact that a GM has to do that in the first place means the Head Coach is on the verge of being fired. Using your logic, everyone should believe everything the GM says, and ignore the fact that where there is smoke there is fire.

Cam you tell us oh genius one, why VATAI's Coach is the only Coach of any commit this YR - to any college - who found it necessary to try so hard to convince everyone that VATAI's committment is solid ?

You do know that last yr Tcu DT signee JON LEWIS and his HS Coach (original TTech commit) also both stated he was solid to TTech ?

OLD CONFUCIOUS SAYING - Where there is smoke there
is fire

Apparently you believe and swallow everything you hear in recruiting - HOOK LINE and SINKER.

Funny !!

Kids do sometimes change their minds. My question is what inside information do you have that Vatai is one of those kids?
I want to say AA is wrong cause I hate to see that we have no chance at getting the upper level/class of OL. OL is the key to winning. However I do believe whatever OL talent we do get will have the best coaching in the business. Eddie Williamson will have those OL ready for whatever great talent is in front of them. If only top recruits knew the greatness of the coaching of Williamson....we saw it first hand at the Rose Bowl game, vs. Clemson, vs. OU, etc.

But so far AA has been right at most of his predictions, so far. I hope he is wrong with our OL situation.

West Coast Johnny

Full Member
tier two wide receiver linwood committs. am i the first to ever use the aggie angst ranking system? at least angst isn't pie-in-the sky giddy everytime we pluck tallent away from the sunbelt.