• The KillerFrogs

2018 MLB Thread


Active Member
Feel like everyone knew this was coming. A’s had a ton of leverage here too. No way Oakland was going to let two teams leave

Oakland is a tricky place to get a stadium done.

The A's are going to have to privately finance the entire thing....there is basically no public money for a stadium.

A's originally announced three potential stadium sites (Coliseum, Howard Terminal near Jack London Square, and the Laney College/Peralta site).

They announced last September they preferred the Laney/Peralta site and wanted to enter negotiations with the Peralta board for it....and talks were abruptly cancelled by the Peralta school board in December.

The A's were totally blindsided by it...and the whole episode was a complete embarrassment for the franchise....which is saying something, given it's the A's.

Since then they've been trying to generate public support with a bunch of things like the 50th anniversary celebrations, the free game on 4/17 and the pay-what-you-want charity donation tickets, etc.

This latest announcement at least means they won't have enter a bidding contest (yet) for either of the two remaining sites...we'll see what actually gets done though.

A's say they want to have a deal in place by the end of the year.

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Active Member
You built like Kenny Powers?


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