• The KillerFrogs

The debate rages on

I can't begin to express my admiration -- nay, awe -- of kf.c for having rendered this sterling service to humanity. Should kf.c vanish from the earth overnight its place in history is secure. Well done, gentlemen, well done!

Stiff Arm Frog

Active Member
In the interest of putting these horrible and absolutely false rumors to rest, someone needs to put this question to him directly. Only then will the rumors disapear, just like those five hookers.

Deep Purple

Full Member
This was genius (posted by some guy called Ramzy Nasrallah):

However virtuous the intentions
Or noble the cause
Out of Texas rises a Phoenix
Keeping America prosperous
Even in times of strife
Remembering what made us great
Keeping a promise for our children
Instead of taking their future away
Liberals need a challenger
Living for today and fighting for us
ESPN has given Texas back its son
Republican Craig James for Senate!


KIllerfrog Emeritus
When will the rumors that Craig James Killed Five Hookers While at SMU die? The rumors should've died with the hookers.

What we have to remember here is that there are 5 dead hookers. Five nameless women who lost their way and succumbed to the charms and wallet of another person. Five families who will never see their daughters again. In some cases, those families may not even know their daughters were killed and are spending their lives wondering what happened to them.

Its a tragedy for sure but there are more victims involved than just the 5 unfortunate hookers, whose lives were taken by a force of evil.


I Googled "remember the f" and the following search option came up:

Remember the five craig james



Lifelong Frog
Suggest KFc have a lunch get together in honor and remembrance of the five dead hookers that Craig James refuses to deny he killed.


Tier 1
When Steel heard the story on 1080 a few days ago, it was reportedly a product of Texas Tech. That is, the revelation about Craig James' allegedly not killing five hookers at SMU came from Texas Tech in retribution for Craig James in fact killing what remained of Texas Tech's football program.

So what is it: Is kf.c responsible for the rumor that Craig James did not kill 5 hookers at SMU, or is Texas Tech responsible for this vicious rumor?


Sir FeistyFrog


New Member
Hey Craig James, how many hookers did you kill?

I am hearing that two of the five dead hookers may be alive and well (stay tuned.) Multiple sources from the day shift at Baby Dolls announced that two "[Craig James]"tail waitresses may "[Craig James]" forward to whistel"blow" that CJ (as they were forced to call him) did in fact kill five hookers?!?!


When will people stop focusing on the lie that Craig James killed 5 hookers at SMU and instead focus on him taking money to play at SMU, being a complete jerk and a terrible broadcaster, lacking any integrity when it comes to his votes in the AP poll, and destroying the Texas Tech football program to protect his spoiled rotten son?


KIllerfrog Emeritus
Suggest KFc have a lunch get together in honor and remembrance of the five dead hookers that Craig James refuses to deny he killed.

Excellent idea. We could have 5 minutes of silence and light 5 candles in their honor.


Excellent idea. We could have 5 minutes of silence and light 5 candles in their honor.
Five seconds - there's no way you could get these clowns to be quiet any longer than that. :tongue:

A late spring meeting, to help get through the off-season (Oh, the pain!), and to celebrate the Baseball team?

You guy's certainly don't have to pay, make it Dutch
treat. :cool:

Phil Snider

New Member
It's utterly ridiculous to think that Craig James killed 5 hookers while at SMU. I just don't understand the fixation on this. Please people....have some respect and decency and understand that there is no way Craig James killed 5 hookers while in college at SMU. I look forward to Craig's denial in the near future so we can put this unfortunate episode to rest.