• The KillerFrogs

Short lived probably but N Texas 7 Kansas State 0


Full Member
My Kansas Frog was, of course, with me all the way today (no love lost between ku and KSt. folk)........ but if the cats don't get 'er in gear KF just might blow a gasket!



New Member
K St. starting to move the ball now. Just gained 8 and defense horse collared so add a few more.

But to not have any offense the 1st quarter other than kickoff return is kind of embarrassing!


New Member
University of North Texas actually looking REALLY good against K-State.

We came out with a lack luster performance against Kansas but nothing compared to K States play so far. They may end up blowing N Texas away but they showed they aren't ready for big 12 play.

By the way I don't think we played badly at all just going with the flow. :rolleyes: May have had butter on the hands today but that is easy to fix!


New Member
Only West Virginia played like they should have but that doesn't mean too much as long as we hold onto the ball. It just kills me our veterans are the ones messing up. Just grow the freshman for two more weeks and should be OK.

I'm about to head out to a party. First one in a while and it's for an owner of a club here in town. Hole in the wall that has been open for 35 years. Don't worry they have a Keurig coffee machine just for me! :tongue: