• The KillerFrogs

OT: Why Did You Choose Your KF.c Handle?


Active Member
My grandpa got me into investing in college around 2002 - 2003. He participated on Yahoo Finance message boards and I joined in on a couple boards for companies I held the biggest positions in. My username was purplehornedlizard, but that was too many letters for guys when they were talking to me so they shortened it to purp. At first I started signing posts as "purple" to encourage people to use that, but purp had already stuck so I went with it.

The avatar was selected bc I went for years on this board with no avatar and Riggs shamed me into adding one. I picked a horned lizard shooting blood because it's darning awesome.

Deep Purple

Full Member

Kind of like a Pooka?


Deep Purple

Full Member
When I joined Don Dowell's old "Online With the Horned Frogs" board in 1996, I adopted the handle Phrynosoma cornutum, the taxonomical classification for "horned lizard" -- though, following standard taxonomical usage, I usually shortened it to just P cornutum. As a fairly new TCU employee (1994), I felt I had to protect my "secret identity" because I regularly shared inside information, but nothing genuinely confidential. This was during the period when Wes Phelan's handle was "Tired of Frank" and the mysterious author(s) of "The Border Collie" circulated biting critiques of TCU's management of its athletics program.

Within 6 months, two things became obvious: 1) I was deluded about a "secret identity"; everybody already knew who"Bruce Wayne" was; 2) My TCU bosses, from the Chancellor to the Provost to the AD to my divisional VC -- and a few Trustees -- also knew but didn't really care, since I wasn't leaking confidential stuff. One or two even thought P cornutum was a good unofficial outlet for sharing selected (but not confidential) inside information with fans. Certain Trustees began sending me stuff that I could easily verify from within before posting it on the board.

At the Nov 8, 1997 Rice game at Rice Stadium in Houston (we lost 38-19), Wes organized about 7 or 8 of us into an investment group to take over Don's "Online with the Horned Frogs" board. Don didn't sell it to us, he just gave it away. The money we put up was working capital to introduce a new look, format, and software script.

I changed my handle and avatar to Deep Purple in 1997 to go with the new KillerFrogs.com site. Most of you know the subsequent history, as the board has since passed through several TCU-affiliated owners.

Don Dowell
KillerFrogs Investment Group (led by Wes Phelan)
Scott Nix
Scott Nix & Wes Phelan
Wes Phelan
Ryann Zeller (our current Fearless Leader)
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Limey Frog

Full Member
I served you most of those $1 drinks.
I hope you invested the 10c tips wisely...

Mine's pretty self-explanatory I suppose. Fun side fact: like my similarly in-bred seafaring ancestors, I do actually tend to get mouth ulcers if I don't get enough vitamin C in my diet. I'm very grateful not to have been impressed into the Royal Navy in the age of sail; I don't think I would have made it.
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tyler durden

Tyler Durden
I discovered this forum just after reading Chuck Palahniuk’s book Fight Club in the lead up to the ‘98 Sun Bowl. The protagonist in the book is a figment of the real protagonist’s imagination (spoiler alert!), and since I was thinking about an online avatar, seemed about right.
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Active Member
I was Houston Frog for a number of years and then Scott banned me for a couple months for something stupid, so I just created a whole new profile. Obviously, Ron Swanson from the show Parks and Recreation is one of the greatest characters in American television history.
Nick Offerman and his wife Megan Mullally play maybe my two favorite sitcom characters of all time. Both top 5 for sure.


Active Member
I signed up for the FFF during my sophomore year, and my nickname among all my TCU buddies was "[first syllable of last name]-dawg." It's not very original and really has nothing to do with our beloved alma mater or Frogdom in general, but I was too lazy to change it early on and now it provides a callback to those happy and carefree times as a TCU student.

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