• The KillerFrogs

New York Post: Haley Cavinder had ‘mental breakdown’ after she was viciously trolled for dating Cowboys player


Lifelong Frog

Haley Cavinder had ‘mental breakdown’ after she was viciously trolled for dating Cowboys player​

Story by Jenna Lemoncelli

Things weren’t easy for Haley Cavinder at the start of her relationship with Cowboys tight end Jake Ferguson.

The TCU women’s basketball guard recalled having a “mental breakdown” after she read comments attacking her appearance on social media when the news became public that she and Ferguson are dating.

“I was in Forever 21 having a great day with my mom and Hannah and I got this post and I just started looking at the comments about my face,” Haley recalled in a recent Q&A on YouTube with her sister, Hanna Cavinder.

Read more at https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nb...trolled-for-dating-cowboys-player/ar-BB1hcGel


Lifelong Frog
Romantic Comedy Drink GIF by filmeditor


Full Member

Ill get my 30 yo niece to explain all this to me over a lunch and I’ll report back my misunderstanding of the entire matter.

Stay tuned!


Full Member
Ill get my 30 yo niece to explain all this to me over a lunch and I’ll report back my misunderstanding of the entire matter.
Had a recent TCU Alum young lady move into my heighbothood. When I greeted her, I noticed that she was this orangy, yellowish color. I told my wife and 30 yo daughter that I Ithink she has a liver disease. My daughter later saw her out and told me...Dad, she has a spray on tan....

East Coast

Tier 1
This is what is considered a newsworthy story? In the New Your Post no less??!!?
New York Post is basically a right leaning rag, but has pretty good sports reporting, especially if you are a fan of New York teams.
I get that not everyone has the same taste in women, but there is something wrong with anyone that calls the Cavinders ugly.


Full Member
I think the last few episodes of The Office with Andy Bernard's character sums up what is happening in real life with younger generations. He just wanted to be famous for something and it didn't matter what. He ended up happy after the video of him throwing a fit went viral.

That kind of exposure sets people up for some very difficult situations because the internet is a very mean place. I am sure she is a great girl and I wish her the best in everything. As someone stated above, if your self-worth is based on social media posts, they can take you down just as easily. Someone who puts themselves out there as much as many young people do, must develop very thick skin because there are a ton of people who wish to tear down everyone.


Full Member
Some advice from someone who was targeted by idiots on social media, albeit on a tiny scale: Just ignore the haters, Haley. Trust in yourself.

4 Oaks Frog

Active Member
“Social Media” freaks weird me out! That the reason I don’t do MyTube and FaceSpace…

EDIT: What a load of horse [ Finebaum ]!


Was I supposed to type something here?
I hear people often say how they are glad they did not have social media when they were kids. I have never heard anyone say they wished they had social media when they were a kid.

Pretty much sums up its true value.
I will say that I have rejoiced with many of my similarly aged compadres that we didn't have damned cameras in our hands at all times when we were younger and far more deranged...