• The KillerFrogs

NBC Sports: Mark Cuban takes another ‘Radical’ step toward a playoff


Lifelong Frog
NBC Sports: Mark Cuban takes another ‘Radical’ step toward a playoff

Posted by Ben Kercheval

... About a month later, that idea began to take on some tangible qualities as Cuban wrote in his personal blog that he had approached Oregon and TCU about a potential plus-one format. Well, here we are another month later and, surprise, Cuban has taken another step toward creating a playoff.

Cuban has confirmed that he’s created a limited liability company called Radical Football to “impact college football so that the last two teams playing are the best two teams.” ...


New Member
well, if the kids from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology are on board, how could it go wrong?

seriously, though, im glad cuban is at least trying to do something. even if he doesn't succeed, maybe it will provoke the ncaa/bcs to make some changes.


New Member
He has the type of money needed to make something happen. I wouldnt doubt that if he gets enough support going that the BCS will anounce some type of playoff. the estimated money from a bowl/playoff system is insane. theres no reason to not go for it. Cuban doest put money where it wont be returned. If he is willing to spend 500 million, I am guessing he has run the numbers and see a large return.


Active Member
Rich folks have offered huge payouts to college football to put on a playoff before. I think the real change is pure corruption evident in the bowl system, highlighted by Death to the BCS and with hard work coming from PlayoffPAC, which is instigating IRS investigation of the major bowls. Of the BCS bowls, only the Rose is even close to being anything like what the bowls pretend to be -- its organizers are only modest paid in comparison to most other bowl execs and it is still a local endeavor true to historic roots.

While the BCS elites have a vested interest in the current system (which likely includes kick-backs, bribes, etc.), they also need a lot of money, especially in the current economic conditions. The BCS elites will make substantially more money under a playoff system....


New Member
It's good that Mark is trying to come up with the best solution by using business students. I hope they take it nationwide for competition to include all schools. It's great Mark is at least trying because the BCS and most of all the NCAA will not try.
I recently went to hear a panel of speakers that included the attorneys, judge and restructuring professionals that were involved in the Texas Rangers bankruptcy... They all spoke well of Cuban and two of them said they had a low opinion of him going in which turned favorable... They said he was a standup guy throughout the whole process and several of the other people were not...

Like Cuban or not, he is an innovator with a big bank roll and no fear... Granted, he faces an uphill battle on a playoff, but there is a clamoring that didn't even exist 15 years ago...