• The KillerFrogs

NBC 5: Power of the flower: the story behind TCU's tulips


Lifelong Frog

Power of the flower: the story behind TCU's tulips​

Story by Madi Marks


Have you seen the hundreds of tulips that cover Texas Christian University's campus every spring?

This is only possible because of one girl's wish to beautify the campus.

Mary Beasley, a former member of the TCU Board of Trustees, was passionate about the beautification of TCU's campus.

Read more at https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle...ower-the-story-behind-tcus-tulips/ar-BB1kQnPj

The TCU Football Jerk

Active Member
Reminds me of a joke.

A family of moles awakens from hibernation.

The father mole pokes his head out of the hole and says, “I smell tulips it must be spring”.

The mother mole pokes her head out of the hole and says, “I smell cherry blossoms it must be spring”.

The baby mole is trying to squeeze between his parents but gets stuck and says, “All I smell is molasses”.