• The KillerFrogs

Augie Garrido (UT Baseball Coach) Flips out


Lifelong Frog
Can't and won't speak for Stiff Arm, but yes...I am 100% serious. And, it's not a perception, it's an opinion. I completely "perceive" that some people feel the need to resort to this type of behavior and filth, but I do hold the opinion that it's not necessary to establish a point and provide motivation. As far back as the late '80's and early 90's when I was playing some sports, I had coaches who approached that level of redundant profanity. Didn't motivate me then as I left everything on the field and court regardless of the number of expletives thrown my way. Further, I believe that it reveals far more about the speaker than it does about those spoken about. I am acutely aware that this level of speech is somewhat commonplace in coaching, but I don't have condone it or find humor it in. Find it funny that I hold this opinion if you wish, it doesn't concern me and at 42-years-old, I highly doubt that my opinion will change much. No need to apologize...I have my opinion and you have yours.

Throwing tirades like that is easier than actual coaching.


I'm gonna have to disagree with most. That kind of behavior isn't awesome, it's shameful. There's no reason to yell at a room full of kids like that, for any reason, unless they're in the army and at war.

It is not life. It's just a game.

And if anyone cares to tell me that I'm being naive, dismisses the rants as "passion" and says this kind of behavior is the only way to get ahead in life -- there are many ways to the top, and plenty of them don't involve the kind of personal degradation on display here.

There are a lot of problems with this world we live in. This pervasive idea that the only way to get ahead is by being a jerk seems to me to be the root of most of them.
Good thing you didn't play college sports. You would not have lasted a day.
BTW, hate to burst your fairy tale bubble, but Wacker dropped F bombs during games in the heat of the moment (personally heard it every week). So did Tom Landry (got that from a TCU trainer who worked Sundays at Dallas home games).
What Soggy Burrito was doing is actually the norm. And it is life or death for coaches. Uh, they get paid and will get fired if their team keeps laying eggs.


New Member
Good thing you didn't play college sports. You would not have lasted a day.
BTW, hate to burst your fairy tale bubble, but Wacker dropped F bombs during games in the heat of the moment (personally heard it every week). So did Tom Landry (got that from a TCU trainer who worked Sundays at Dallas home games).
What Soggy Burrito was doing is actually the norm. And it is life or death for coaches. Uh, they get paid and will get fired if their team keeps laying eggs.
Right or wrong, the above is true. The pressure those guys are under is immense. I see it every day. I'd like to think I'd handle it better, but not sure I would.


New Member
That is an embarrassment for the University of Texas and the State of Texas. Can't believe Augie is still coaching at UT. That video should be sent to every state legislator, as they authorizes funds for the University of Texas and state employees like that.

Young and Horned

Active Member
Right or wrong, the above is true. The pressure those guys are under is immense. I see it every day. I'd like to think I'd handle it better, but not sure I would.

I doubt that behavior is the norm. Yes, I know coaches are going to cuss and get pissed off even. But his last tirade was a bit too much.

Another thing, what the flying F does augie know about a fist fight or a gang fight?


Was I supposed to type something here?
I doubt that behavior is the norm. Yes, I know coaches are going to cuss and get pissed off even. But his last tirade was a bit too much.

Another thing, what the flying F does augie know about a fist fight or a gang fight?

He has a new copy of Warriors on Blu-Ray...


New Member
I doubt that behavior is the norm. Yes, I know coaches are going to cuss and get pissed off even. But his last tirade was a bit too much.

Another thing, what the flying F does augie know about a fist fight or a gang fight?
Saying it's the norm is a bit too far, I agree. Let's just say that what he's doing on the video is far from uncommon. Any of you think that GP has NEVER yelled like that? How he allowed that to be filmed is beyond me.


New Member
i just want to put the ladies of this board (pharm frog, etc.) little pure heart's to rest. jimmy is all mushy in the huddle. he always starts out by thanking the players for taking time out of their day to show up and play and hands out participant trophies to all players after every game.


Tier 1
That is an embarrassment for the University of Texas and the State of Texas. Can't believe Augie is still coaching at UT. That video should be sent to every state legislator, as they authorizes funds for the University of Texas and state employees like that.

Well then Mac, next time you cover a TCU Baseball loss (haha, we know you send Stefan to do that, and Jenn MIGHT go if she wants to write a piece about how Purke was dumb to not take the money) don't go near the locker room before the team comes out for media time, cause guess what - You will hear lots of f bombs and angry yelling.

Actually, maybe you should go, then you can write a nice blog piece about it and "stir the pot a little" by suggesting Schloss be fired.

Houston Frog

New Member
What I am most puzzled over is the fact that he allowed this to be filmed.
