• The KillerFrogs

So how many Germans are cheering for Dirk tonight?


New Member
No one's really brought that up on ESPN radio yet, but they should.

Dirk is like a national hero over there and helping the NBA to become much more popular in Germany and Europe, etc.. Despite the fact that soccer is generally king over there. Like Lebron.

How big is Nowitzki right now in Germany? he's obviously much better than the German national soccer team right. right.


Full Member
No one's really brought that up on ESPN radio yet, but they should.

Dirk is like a national hero over there and helping the NBA to become much more popular in Germany and Europe, etc.. Despite the fact that soccer is generally king over there. Like Lebron.

How big is Nowitzki right now in Germany? he's obviously much better than the German national soccer team right. right.

I met some germans at the bottom of the grand canyon last week. First thing I asked them was if they liked Dirk. They didn't even know who he was at first... After explaining it to them they replied "Oh yeah him... no. German's don't like basketball"


Full Member
Correct. My friend just got back from Germany a few weeks ago and I asked him if he got to watch the Mavs sweep the Lakers. He told me they couldn't even find a place to watch the game. So, probably not very many Germans are cheering for Dirk.


The impression I get from my travels in Europe (mostly in the UK, and exclusively so recently) and consuming European media for soccer purposes, is that basketball is slightly less popular there than soccer is among the English-speaking population here.

That is to say, there's some momentum, and it's not like professional lacrosse or anything, but it's far from the front page. If we have to speak of Europe as a single entity, the team sports market is absolutely dominated by soccer, followed by rugby as a distant second, then a further big drop to ice hockey, then basketball. In the UK, insert Cricket just above rugby. In the Nordic countries, ice hockey would leapfrog rugby, but I think it'd still be below their middling soccer leagues in popularity.

Also, not really relevant to anything, team-based dirt-track motorcycle racing (Speedway) is still popular in the UK, but darned if I can understand it.


Active Member
I have friends in Trier -- not too far from Wurtzbert (Dirk's home town)--and they seem to be tuned in and watching on TV.


Active Member
When I was in Europe nobody mentioned the NBA. This included Germany.

The only sport we saw on TV besides soccer was a baseball game between the Astros and Cardinals. Odd.