• The KillerFrogs

Know Your Enemy Part 8: University of Texas


New Member

We're aware that Texas is liable at any moment to take their ball and go home, if not being publicly fellated by the rest of the conference. Mr. Dodds, and UT fans/alums everywhere, remember: we kid because we care. We still love you tx_chica, it's just your turn

Any resemblance there, kids? I suppose if PETA ever forces the University of Texas to stop naming themselves after animals, they can always fall back on the University of Texas Vaginas, with their mascot, a red blob named "Period". I'm sure nobody would take offense to that one.


Picture #5 is the pic we need to use when we play them in baseball! :tongue:

Stiff Arm Frog

Active Member
Posted in July 2010, I see. Still funny, they actually won that game last year against ut despite the article.

See, this just makes me hate the Longhorns even more. They reflect poorly on the entire state, and people start to think that all Texans are conceited, arrogant jerks.