• The KillerFrogs

FWST: Final Four is democracy at its finest


Lifelong Frog
FWST: Final Four is democracy at its finest

By Big Steaming Pile
tengel@ star-telegram.com

... Now, however, this Final Four, on Saturday in Houston, gives us another hope that a movement led by Boise State, TCU, Butler and now Virginia Commonwealth will finally win a title in one of the two sports that we actually care about.Those who love a little chaos theory in their sport, and who desperately want to see the little guy get his day, need either Butler or VCU to win this title to put the biggest crack yet in this money-stained window.

"Whether it be football, TCU, Boise State, any other schools, certainly with VCU this year, there's an opportunity for teams. I think that's good. I think it's healthy," said UConn coach Jim Calhoun, who has the age, résumé and cash to feel secure in making that statement during a Monday conference call. ...


FWST: Final Four is democracy at its finest

By Big Steaming Pile
tengel@ star-telegram.com

... Now, however, this Final Four, on Saturday in Houston, gives us another hope that a movement led by Boise State, TCU, Butler and now Virginia Commonwealth will finally win a title in one of the two sports that we actually care about.Those who love a little chaos theory in their sport, and who desperately want to see the little guy get his day, need either Butler or VCU to win this title to put the biggest crack yet in this money-stained window.

"Whether it be football, TCU, Boise State, any other schools, certainly with VCU this year, there's an opportunity for teams. I think that's good. I think it's healthy," said UConn coach Jim Calhoun, who has the age, résumé and cash to feel secure in making that statement during a Monday conference call. ...

Nice column, Native, er, I mean, Mac. :tongue:

Also GREAT timing for 2314. Am currently in an email argument with my Notre Dame friend (the guy I have told y'all about before who is a level-headed, fair-minded guy, great parent and overall decent guy except when it comes to his attitude toward college sports, football in particular). He wrote this yesterday: "I am pulling for the winner of the VCU/Butler game in the (NCAA) championship game. Pulling for the underdog. But, who do you think the REAL champion is if either VCU or Butler wins?"
I went 2314 on him (much to his surprise). I actually copied and pasted Native's, er, I mean, Mac's column and sent it to him.
Thanks Native. I mean, Mac.