• The KillerFrogs

Daily Oklahoman: TCU football coach Gary Patterson a 'rock star' in Fort Worth


Lifelong Frog
Daily Oklahoman: TCU football coach Gary Patterson a 'rock star' in Fort Worth

By Berry Tramel

FORT WORTH, Texas — Gary Patterson doesn't sit still. He leans back in his chair and slouches down, like a third-grader just before recess. He leans forward with elbows on desk, as if daring the kids at camp to make him go around the table.

Patterson's cadence is staccato. His stream of consciousness doesn't always reach the finish line. Patterson is a little rough in presentation. A little disheveled.

Sort of like his sideline demeanor; on game day, Patterson can be a little on the wild side.

Patterson squirms in his chair. But not in his seat. Patterson's seat, figuratively and literally overlooking the construction of a Camden Yards football stadium, is as comfy as any in college football.
Patterson is a made man in Cowtown.

TCU joins the Big 12 at a time of iconic coaches in the league. In Stillwater, Mike Gundy is only three wins shy of the OSU record for football coaches. Baylor's Art Briles seems to be bucking for a Grant Teaff remake. Kansas State's Bill Snyder is the author of the Manhattan Miracle, the greatest football story ever told. ...
