• The KillerFrogs

A close (and early) look at BAYLOR football team vs TCU


New Member
You are correct that nobody cares about BAYLOR. Your team is irrelevant and has been for decades.

People do laugh hysterically at the name "BAYLOR" though. And even though they dont care, BAYLOR football is still great comedy !!

I was in a bar in Florida when the hilarious Baylor - Illinois game was on TV and people all over the bar were cracking up and laughing uncontrollably at the hilarious stuff Baylor was doing in that game.

So you are technically correct. Nobody cares about Baylor and never has. However, they still view Baylor as laughingstock material and great comedy.

That notion will be further re-inforced to the nation when Baylor gets azzzzclowned, de-pantsed, and bent over on national TV, by TCU.

It will be great laughingstock comedy !! Hope you are there in person in Waco to watch it. We will wave to you when you walk out of your own stadium in shame with your head hanging and your own student body disgusted with you (again).

Baylor football is always great comedy !! Hope to see you there. Bring some rodeo clowns this year for even more laughs !!

Blahahahahahahaa !!