• The KillerFrogs

Wazzu's secret to getting on Gameday every week


I dig it, shows some spirit, I really kind of want them to go out there some time, they always hit the same 40 or so "big teams" (which I guess we are a part of now, 2 appearances last year, possibly 1 this year)


Full Member
Yes. If not us, who? If not now, when?

TCU J-Sauce and I will be making our road trip to SLC next week, like we did last year to Provo. We're pulling out of FW Thursday afternoon so that we can go to Gameday if it is at Utah's campus. Last year we showed up Friday around noon, then crashed at the hotel before heading to the Friday night taping outside of LaVell Edwards Stadium.

Saturday morning we got in the middle of the crowd and had plenty of TCU-flag exposure. It was a great weekend that we'll be trying to do again, no doubt.

The best example of our work is in this youtube clip.. see any of the following times: 0:17, 0:26, 0:53, 1:31,1:39,4:42, 6:58

The best is at 1:39 IMO.

Link to YouTube: GameDay in Provo!


Where will GameDay be this Sat? We may need to recruit the area a bit. While a regular TCU flag is preferable, I will be glad to offer to send my trusty, and lucky, TCU GO FROGS! purple banner (large and round, as seen at various home and away games the past 2 years). The only requirement is a promise to either send it on to the next CGD or back to me and I will continue to offer it.

BTW, 2 lightweight, extendable poles would make this one of the largest signs at CGD.


Full Member
You can see the banner here at the 1:10 mark.


How have I never seen that video? That was EXCELLENT. I wish they'd do all of our games like that. Any other TCU games in their video collection?


I thought that was a very high quality video, and caught some great action before and after the game. I guess the production ppl need a sponsor, and that company sponsored that one.