• The KillerFrogs

The beat goes on at UT


Active Member
They can just follow Kelly's lead at ND where he suspended his top receiver for 4 and half months which seemed a really good thing to do to get the young man's attention. That will get you on the straight an narrow and prove your institution is all about integrity.

Oh, the fact that it was a March thru July suspension is of absolute no significance.


Will the LONGHORN NETWORK have a daily police blotter???

That would be a 30 minute show for sure.


New Member
Apparently, Christian Scott was arrested at his home.

I just read that the police report indicates his car was being reposessed for a 2nd time and as the female agent drove out of parking lot he pulled in front of her in another car. He then ripped open the door and pulled her out and tossed her on the pavement. And took off. The police found him at a nearby gas station.

If he really attacked a woman he better be finished. No excuse.