• The KillerFrogs

TCU men's hoops gets mention in Grantland


Active Member
Remember when Shaka Smart was being thrown around as a potential hire and others were arguing that they were thinking too much of the TCU job?

Now comes this article from Grantland on Smart and Brad Stevens, which includes this:

When I caught up with Smart after Saturday's game, I asked him why he'd stayed at VCU. It resulted in a small miscommunication.
"It used to seem inevitable if you had success as a coach at a mid-major that you would then go to a low BCS if the offer came," I began, and Smart interrupted.
"A low BCS?" he asked, eyeing me.
I realized my mistake later, when listening to the recording. I had been speaking in a general way about other coaches, but he thought I was talking about him. That after what he'd done at VCU, all he deserved was a position at a place like TCU or Mississippi State.

Smart doesn't reference TCU, but it gives you a sense of how he sizes up his value. By the way, VCU's gym slightly outseats DMC.

Glad we were able to hire HCTJ. Looking forward to fewer references like this in the near future.

Edit: Here's the link: http://www.grantland.com/story/_/id/9018653/shaka-smart-brad-stevens-butler-vcu