• The KillerFrogs

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  1. BoZD

    Stetson Bennett arrested in Dallas

    Gonna have to have a little chat with my stepson.
  2. BoZD

    Georgia lineman Devin Willock, football staffer die in car crash hours after championship celebration

    It was a player and another staffer. Staffer Tory Bowles is in ICU but stable. Warren McClendon was treated and discharged extent of injuries unknown.
  3. BoZD

    Georgia lineman Devin Willock, football staffer die in car crash hours after championship celebration

    It’s especially awful because there were three Willock children (all boys I think), and one of them already died due to a drunk driver. Two of three gone. Prayers for that family and the Lecroy family. This entirely sucks.
  4. BoZD

    I feel weird starting a thread here but…hi, frawgs!

    Haha…every board is the same.
  5. BoZD

    The Columbus Dispatch 'Ohio State would've won the natty': OSU football reacts to Georgia national championship win

    Ugh so many witty inappropriate comebacks Quit pulling me in /banter
  6. BoZD

    The Columbus Dispatch 'Ohio State would've won the natty': OSU football reacts to Georgia national championship win

    If ifs and buts and I had nuts, OSU could suck em. I’m not good at poetry.
  7. BoZD


    Soon longhorn….
  8. BoZD

    I feel weird starting a thread here but…hi, frawgs!

    I saw a couple of his posts. Don’t like his tone.
  9. BoZD

    I feel weird starting a thread here but…hi, frawgs!

    You don’t tell a bear to sic em. It’s a dog command. Baylor is stupid.
  10. BoZD

    I feel weird starting a thread here but…hi, frawgs!

    And y’all need to put your little froggy buddy back up in your banner. Do it now. Be proud.
  11. BoZD

    I feel weird starting a thread here but…hi, frawgs!

    That was a game……yeah? Since I like you guys, I did feel the teensiest bit semi-conflicted. Somewhat. I did for real feel bad that you happened be the opponent when our coach decided a statement needed to be made. That last part is entirely sincere. It was cool of y’all to welcome me here. The...
  12. BoZD

    Gameday Thread, Championship Edition: TCU vs Georgia; Sponsored by Hell's Half Acre Stadium Goods

    I’m out! Thx for letting me hang :) Best of luck starting around midnight until the next time we meet. Go Dawgs!
  13. BoZD

    FWST: Georgia, like Michigan, really has no idea who or what TCU football is

    Thank you re: Coach Dooley. Our game trailer released yesterday was narrated by him. I don’t know how they did it, but it had me in tears.
  14. BoZD

    FWST: Georgia, like Michigan, really has no idea who or what TCU football is

    Ah my phrasing…ya got me. Here’s a pic of the hubs.
  15. BoZD

    FWST: Georgia, like Michigan, really has no idea who or what TCU football is

    Haha…I bleed red and black. Also my husband would divorce me (as he should) and I can’t afford to replace a third of my wardrobe.
  16. BoZD

    FWST: Georgia, like Michigan, really has no idea who or what TCU football is

    So I’ve gathered. I’ve spent too much time here.