• The KillerFrogs

Game 1: #18 CS Fullerton vs. #16 TCU


Full Member
It's one thing to lose, but a shutout. Darn that's tough to listen to on the radio/stream.

The good news is that is baseball. Lot's of runs tomorrow!


Active Member
Ah, I remember this sort of thing. #cardiac frogs

Audio got garbled when the ball hit off the bat, couldn't hear until it was over..except I knew it was big

Bob Sugar

Active Member
Well that wasn't pretty.
But there's always tomorrow.
That's the way baseball go. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose


Active Member
There is a difference between aggressive base running and just plain stupid base running. Getting picked off is in the latter category.

Getting picked off is bad especially when it comes on the end of about four throws over to first base.

It's also a baseball sin to make the first or final out at third base.

Pharm Frog

Full Member
The Frogs are going to be aggressive on base. According to our head skipper that is the change in offensive philosophy that got us the multiple visits to the CWS. I don’t think he is going to change unless the program collapses.

Go Frogs!!!!

Did he really say that more aggressive base running is the change in philosophy that got us the multiple visits to the CWS? I find that very hard to believe. I generally think the Frogs are quite good at aggressively stealing bases but find them frustrating as hell in their aggressive batted ball base running. And I think that Oklahoma State just picked another Frog off 1st base as I typed this.


Active Member
Sorry I’m late to the party but after the game today it’s pretty obvious Jeremiah needs to make some swift changes.

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