• The KillerFrogs

What's The One Thing you want to see tomorrow


Active Member
Wanna see the edge protected better by the defense. They have a nasty counter play where it looks like the TE is trap blocking at the point of attack. Play could become very problematic.


Active Member
Better adjustments after seeing the strenghths of our opponent. For example, and I know this will never happen, but if Michigan gets good penetration like K-State did on our run game, I'd like to see Demercado get some more carries. Kendre's a very patient runner, which isn't a bad thing, but when you're getting penetration like that it's beneficial to get downhill IMMEDIATELY, which Demercado does. We had a lot of 0, 1 , and 2 yard runs against K-State that Demercado can turn into 4 and 5 yard runs. Doesn't seem like much, but that's a big difference. In no way am I saying he's better than Kendre. Just that they have different styles that dictate Demercado should get a few more carries depending on the match-up and strength of the other team.


Active Member
I want to see good footing. No injuries. This turf has me worried.

I read about this field when they first built it. I was amazed by how easily it's moved indoors and out. It's on rails, and gets moved by a series of (IIRC) around 15-20 *tiny* electric motors, seems like they had a horsepower equivalent of about 1-2 hp each. Some seriously clever engineering there.


Active Member
Commercial during the Sugar reminded me of something I sincerely do NOT want to see today: Any more beastly fat girs in Spandex. OTOH, if anyone at the game spots such a heifer in UM gear, posting pics is fair game.

Pharm Frog

Full Member
Just pointing out that there was no road construction nor slow moving vehicles all the way from Longmont CO to Amarillo. Yeah for me! In fact, based on the fact that I only had to pass one vehicle and got passed a handful of times, maybe I was the slow moving vehicle.