• The KillerFrogs

Senior Bowl players to Honor Tiger Bech, Jack Bech to wear his brother’s number


Active Member
The NFL could always use a good guy like Jack Bech.
Happy Tom Cruise GIF
Princeton can use a man like Joel.


Active Member
Associating the scientologist who believes his god landed in a UFO with a God fearing Christian. Not kosher. No offense to your "meme"
Hope you’re getting time and a half for all that overtime you put in looking for reason to be offended.
Also, kudos for trotting out a tenet of Orthodox Judaism to flog your notions of Christianity.

SW toad

Active Member
Hope you’re getting time and a half for all that overtime you put in looking for reason to be offended.
Also, kudos for trotting out a tenet of Orthodox Judaism to flog your notions of Christianity.
Ask 100 people who was offended. I spent no more than 5 seconds responding to your L Ron Hubbard confusion. Read up !

SW toad

Active Member
From the content, I definitely believe you about how little thought you put into it ;)
Think about it... Your beef with me entails a god arriving on earth from a UFO. You post a Tom Cruise wonder boy and you don't expect anything? Have you OD'd on Masseys Chicken Fried in the 90s??