Finally caught up with Episode 3 and 4 of Skeleton Crew.
Episode 3 was fine, but rushed, especially with the introduction of a new character. This show suffers from a common issue with fantasy/sci-fi shows these days: conveying a proper passage of time. Jude Law and kids in tow are spotted by his "friend" who calls the authorities whom show-up in a matter of minutes. I get that they need to move the plot along but there are better ways to handle that in the story. Glad we got more of the story but a lot of this show is just writing plot devices to move things along and it makes for a choppy experience.
Episode 4 felt juvenile except for the very last part. The concept of lost planets is a neat one, reminds me of Zahn's lost Republic fleet in his trilogy, but the people on this "At" planet act like you would expect adults to act in a Nickelodeon series rather than the Star Wars universe. The actions of the adults were borderline suspect when they were at the pirate station but in this episode the adults seem like cartoonish caricatures devoid of any actual substance, again to move the plot along. The little girl (Hayley?) was decent, but it was odd that she was the only one on the planet with an accent. Neel had a good little arc in this episode but the lead boy is really starting to become irritating. Also, the big twist and reveal at the end with 33 was telegraphed early on in the episode but I like the idea of a killer robot so I'll give it a pass.
With each passing episode this series is becoming less like Goonies in Space and more like Hannah Montana in Space.