• The KillerFrogs

On a lighter note, A J McCarron's Mom


Full Member
Google A J McCarron mom on the internet and see what pulls up. Nothing against our froggy player moms, but she is probably the best football mom I have ever seen. And no, they are not porn sites. Her picture has gone viral on the internet and is rated PG 13.

frog bar

Mom in the middle.


Active Member
Kind of embarrassing for your mom to wear that (for everyone)... especially when you are in your 20s.

That being said, she's got the best money can buy.

Ron Swanson

Full Member
Not hot.

Anyone seen the Foltz bros mom? (if they or Mr Foltz reads this I am just complimenting...)

I'm pretty sure Riggs and I, at the request of Mrs. Foltz, helped watch her daughter when she was setting up for the Tech tailgate.

At least, they were wearing Foltz jerseys, so we figured they had to be family

Limp Lizard

Full Member
Wonder how many teammates McCarron had to pop in the mouth due to inappropriate comments?

Oh, and why do women wear the low-cut dress and pull the "hey my eyes are up here" bit? Isn't that the point of wearing something like that?

She does have nice teeth, though.


Active Member
Wonder how many teammates McCarron had to pop in the mouth due to inappropriate comments?

Oh, and why do women wear the low-cut dress and pull the "hey my eyes are up here" bit? Isn't that the point of wearing something like that?

She does have nice teeth, though.

I don't think there's a player on that Bama team that McCarron could pop in the mouth and live to talk about it. Have you seen the tattoo he put on himself?

The real question is how many teammates have... well nevermind.

You don't wear that dress unless you want people staring at your dress, men and women alike. You can't not look at it, regardless of how much you love or don't love boobs.