• The KillerFrogs

FWST: Ex-TCU football player who worked at Gateway church has a lot to say about Robert Morris


Lifelong Frog

Ex-TCU football player who worked at Gateway church has a lot to say about Robert Morris​

Big Steaming Pile

When Kam Hunt’s son was born the person who held him before he did was Robert Morris.

Hunt has known Morris for more than 20 years, and during that time he became a father figure to the former TCU football player. Hunt had worked at Gateway Church as a youth pastor, and today he’s not sure where Morris is.

Morris is the disgraced ex-leader of Gateway Church in Southlake who resigned June 18 after revelations he molested a girl in the 1980s.

Read more at https://www.star-telegram.com/sports/spt-columns-blogs/mac-engel/article290567749.html

Also at https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/ot...-a-lot-to-say-about-robert-morris/ar-BB1qUlbS
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I actually visited Gateway in Southlake a few years ago. A friend and his wife are members and they took me there for a Sunday service. The thing that stood out the most was when they made it snow inside the building during the service. I felt like it was a bit over the top and a waste of resources.


Active Member
"God isn't business. . . We put our brand before Jesus."
Glad the young man has waked up to the reality of the huckster-pastor. I'll never ever ever understand believing someone is Jesus's conduit when their biggest challenge in life is deciding which of their jets to take to their private island for a few days of, "rest."
I'm so happy to have found a pastor after decades of looking who is thoughtful, deep, compassionate, learned, wise, charismatic, and relatively poor.


Full Member
Not intended to offend, but I don’t care very much for all of the giant God Factory churches. A tad too much for my simple relationship with God…
While at TCU I went on a double date with a good friend and his long term GF, who set me up with her friend.

I was driving and we went past a large church on I-30. I made a comment about mega churches and got a quick stink eye because apparently my date was a member at one...

The TCU Football Jerk

Active Member
Wow, I guess I knew sort of, but did not really know how mega churches worked. That's not my idea of worship,.

Watch osteen some time. Very little scripture. All about how to feel good and how God wants you to prosper. Used to be the tv preachers were charlatans who were fake faith healers. After a century or so of that, the public caught on to the fraud. So now they all preach about how much money you're going to make...while enriching themselves in the process. And its all okay because God wants all of us to be wealthy.

Mean Purple

Active Member
This article confirms everything I've always had against mega churches. A marketing department? Really??
Ok, so I'm a bit odd on this. If the church shows that it is being legit, I don't worry about the size. But even churches who are part of conference/conventions/synods that are big can quickly drift into the concerns many of us are looking at here.

Jerk, Frogminn, 4 Oaks, feel free to message me and I can get a little more detailed if you are wondering. (I know, you're probably not.) Not anything like what happened at GW, but I've watched a place drift to over-the-top in recent years.


Active Member
"God isn't business. . . We put our brand before Jesus."
Glad the young man has waked up to the reality of the huckster-pastor. I'll never ever ever understand believing someone is Jesus's conduit when their biggest challenge in life is deciding which of their jets to take to their private island for a few days of, "rest."
I'm so happy to have found a pastor after decades of looking who is thoughtful, deep, compassionate, learned, wise, charismatic, and relatively poor.
Stay woke.

4 Oaks Frog

Active Member
Hey @Mean Purple … No need for a PM. It’s not that I am against large churches. It’s just that I don care for that giant type of worship. I was raised in a small town church where we sang our hymns out of a hymnal, not off of a giant screen. Instead of a praise band/orchestra, our school’s music teacher played the organ and piano and was the choir director. Anyone could be in the choir, and the preacher was the only one who got paid.
Our Sunday school class might sometimes go to Dairy Queen together after church. We never took a praise cruise together.
My point is that the big box church is a bit too impersonal and pretentious for my spiritual taste. And the old adage, “The bigger they are the harder they fall.” seems to apply pretty often…

Mean Purple

Active Member
Hey @Mean Purple … No need for a PM. It’s not that I am against large churches. It’s just that I don care for that giant type of worship. I was raised in a small town church where we sang our hymns out of a hymnal, not off of a giant screen. Instead of a praise band/orchestra, our school’s music teacher played the organ and piano and was the choir director. Anyone could be in the choir, and the preacher was the only one who got paid.
Our Sunday school class might sometimes go to Dairy Queen together after church. We never took a praise cruise together.
My point is that the big box church is a bit too impersonal and pretentious for my spiritual taste. And the old adage, “The bigger they are the harder they fall.” seems to apply pretty often…
I agree with a lot of that. Missing going to a smaller church. I really miss the hymnals. And the praise music where I am at now is kind of a show at times. Not saying the folks in choir are not actually praising and focused of giving best for Him. They are. It's just some other stuff. Aaaand, funny you should mention the cruise thing. :rolleyes:

I tell myself maybe I'm just old. But it is what it is.

The TCU Football Jerk

Active Member
Hey @Mean Purple … No need for a PM. It’s not that I am against large churches. It’s just that I don care for that giant type of worship. I was raised in a small town church where we sang our hymns out of a hymnal, not off of a giant screen. Instead of a praise band/orchestra, our school’s music teacher played the organ and piano and was the choir director. Anyone could be in the choir, and the preacher was the only one who got paid.
Our Sunday school class might sometimes go to Dairy Queen together after church. We never took a praise cruise together.
My point is that the big box church is a bit to impersonal and pretentious for my spiritual taste. And the old adage, “The bigger they are the harder they fall.” seems to apply pretty often…

My mom used to say, "Those mega churches are where you go to disappear on Sunday. Smaller churches are where you go to find a family."
It is sad to me that places like Gateway qualify for tax exempt status. I hope do away with the tax exempt status of churches and other non profits change that have excessive salaries.
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