• The KillerFrogs

DMN: Kevin Sherrington: The lesson for TCU's Patterson (or any coach) after using racial slur


Lifelong Frog
Kevin Sherrington: The lesson for TCU's Gary Patterson (or any coach) after incident involving racial slur

By Kevin Sherrington, The Dallas Morning News
via MSN

A high school football coach once called to report that he’d visited a TCU practice and found it a wholly unedifying experience. His complaints concerned the head coach’s colorful language and confrontational, even conflagrational, style. This didn’t make headlines with yours truly. Watching Gary Patterson at work, you don’t have to be a lip reader to know you’re not cruising Mr. Rogers’ neighborhood.

Just the same, as combustible as Patterson can be, no one, to my knowledge, had accused him of being racist. Not until Monday, anyway, when Twitter blew up over his use of the N-word. And not just once but twice.

Read more at https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nc...er-incident-involving-racial-slur/ar-BB17z5eE