• The KillerFrogs

Dallas Express: TCU Rebrands DEI Program: ‘Finding Ourselves in Community’


Full Member
"Inclusion" huh. Can't let merit get in the way of "inclusion" can we. Didn't Earn It is a cancer.

When I was on the National Alumni Board, we were given two TCU Applications to consider for the Chancellor Scholarship.

This was a Mock exercise.

Both candidates had excellent academics. One had more AP classes so the majority decided to go with Applicant A.

I voted for B who went to a High School that did not have many AP classes. But B had taken the few they had and made A’s. B also worked his/her way through high school.

That told me that this kid wanted a TCU education and would do anything to get a degree.

Race was not a stated factor.

However, minority status might have explained the lack of AP classes and maybe the need for work.

Brewing is right when it comes down to “earning it”. I want a fighter.

I have no problem looking behind the information on the Application to get those kids who want it more.

I want the Frog Factor and it is worth considering everything on and off the Application.