• The KillerFrogs

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  1. J

    We made it!

    We play Cal Friday, in Fayitville, at 7 on ESPN 3.
  2. J

    Game three, where TCU sweeps ku.

    It's starting! Stay tuned on Fox A WE plus. Good news Wahanan broadcasts again .
  3. J

    O.k. I'll start the game thread.

    We have 8 errors so far this weekend. Inexcusable!
  4. J

    Why isn't the Startlegram covering TCU baseball?

    I subscribe to the daily local paper, but both Friday and Saturday they had no coverage of the games with OSU. This seems unreasonable. We are the home team.
  5. J

    Osu gets beat by TCU thread

    It's started.
  6. J

    O.k. I'll start the game thread.

    We have Wanhan again, great!
  7. J

    Where is the game thread?

    It's started.
  8. J

    Where is the game thread?

    The game is on.
  9. J

    OSU game #3

    If no one's going to start it, I guess I will. So far so good we are 6 to zip at the end of 2.
  10. J

    Where is the baseball thread?

    We are ahead 1 zip at the end of the first. Watson hit an rbi double.