• The KillerFrogs

Aaron Rodgers announces retirement


brian gutenkunst better get every scheissing decision correct for the remainder for his working career because he is about to be known as the guy who drove A scheissING STANDING MVP QUARTERBACK into retirement and replaced him with jordan love, blake scheissing bortles, or a guy off the scheissing street corner

rodgers is a prima donna, he is a royal pain in the arse, but dude can still play and you scheissed up that relationship so bad you are left with jordan scheissing love and blake bortles who is sad bad his name doesn't need an expletive


Full Member
The Affair of Aaron & Brian reads rather like the synopsis of a TV soap opera, but, if accurate, tells the story of how things got from April 2019 to wherever they are today.

Here's el linko if you're interested in reading...

It's probably a decent case study for Corporate Communication 101.