• The KillerFrogs

"Slashing sports (Stanford): Others will follow" article

Portland Frog

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Active Member
And there you go. Supports what some of us have been saying. There is going to be fallout from the prolonged self imposed restrictions. I fear this is only the tip of the iceberg.

Not college sports related, but:

This makes me sick... think of all the rising seniors who have waited their entire lives for their senior varsity season. Many of these guys don't get to play varsity until their senior year... their long awaited moment taken away from them.



Active Member
Sounds like one of those sports where Daddy slips the coach a big bag of money and little Buffy is in.
Wait, I seem to remember that game being played differently? Didn't the Coach slip Buffy the money and Daddy was in? So help me Pitino that's my recollection...

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