• The KillerFrogs

TCU vs SMU @ 2:30PM

Tv's odious 'fickle finger of fate' has once again condemned the Frog Faithful to willfully endure Texas'

oppressive September afternoon temperatures. Curses!

Pharm Frog

Full Member
It's almost as if college football games are now simply a made for TV product and not about promoting sportsmanship, fair play, and amateurism amongst fellow student athletes.

Agree except for the “It’s almost as if” part. Extra like for use of “amongst”. That’s a word that needs a renaissance (along with “whilst”).

Limp Lizard

Full Member
On the 21st normal high is 86 degrees. Let's hope it is a "normal" day. Right now looks like our temps are running 3-7 degrees above normal.:eek:
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