• The KillerFrogs

Sewo arrested, controlled substance


Full Member
Of course

My wife is Catwoman


And I’m Batman


My only point is that the law should focus on people who actually hurt other people and should focus less on people who haven’t hurt anyone

The problem is that most jurors, voters, citizens, only deal with good officers or those on their best behaviour.

Girlfriend's knee jerk to crime is "take him/her out back and shoot him.

Presumption of innocence is mere lip service.

Watch Making a Murder if you really want to see our criminal justice system at its worst.


Active Member
Guess my race:

I've been pulled over 9 times in ten years with only 2 of 9pm those resulting in a ticket (both for speeding). I've been put in handcuffs for no particular reason at all on 2 of those occasions. Even spent about 15 minutes sitting in a police car after he had his gun sticking in the small of my back as he was putting the cuffs on me. A search of my car was conducted without even asking my permission as I sat in that car. Both times being put in cuffs resulted in me being free to go with no charges or tickets.

What am I?

What you are is a financilly rich man, or should be! I hope you lawyered up, got names dated times, police records etc... There should be extra change in your pocket by now.


Active Member
The amateur legal advice in here is just top notch.

Every time this happens, I will repost this video. It's the only one you need to watch to effectively understand the relationship between an LEO and the citizenry, and why you DO NOT TALK TO THE POLICE, NOR CONSENT TO ANY SEARCH.


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